2020 Grant Program
INSTAP will offer the following grants for 2020:
New Research Grant
Applicants who have not received prior INSTAP funding for their project. (Unfortunately, INSTAP is no longer able to fund new projects unless they are extremely important and have more than local or regional importance.)
Renewal Research Grant
Applicants who have received prior INSTAP funding for their project.
2nd or 3rd Year Application
Applicants who have received a pledged award for 2020.
Librarian Fellowship
One-year program at the INSTAP Study Center for East Crete, includes stipend and travel costs.
Petrography Internship
One-month program at the INSTAP Study Center for East Crete, includes stipend and travel costs.
Six-Week Research Fellowship
Six-week period for study and research at the INSTAP Study Center for East Crete, includes stipend and travel costs.
Publication Subvention
Funding up to $7,500 to offset production and printing costs of major articles and volumes.